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what a beautiful mess...
March 15, 20070 minutesSo yea I was in the mood for a lot of things the other day..First I wanted a sexy black chick with huge tits, a big ass and a freaky personality, Got her, her name is Aleera Flair. Next, I wanted her to show me her big beatiful tits, got that too. And to top it all off I wanted to make a big mess in my kitchen, did it. An it went a little something like this...I poured a big glass of milk on those huge tits, then Allera put chocolate syrup all of her boobs, then we added caramel and honey to the mix, and shit got wild!! Then my girl went into the shower cleaned herself up and my boy Jmac was waiting to giver her a good fucking and that is what he did!!Shit was incredible, Enjoy! .